Linux File Management System

A file management system created for Linux Ubuntu using Recoll


This system allows multiple users to browse, search, and download the contents of a single workstation from their own physical locations.  The step-by-step manual can be used to recreate the project.


Ubuntu Installation:
–  Set up a Virtual Machine
–  Download and Install ISO file
–  Search fields


Recoll application:
–  Install using terminal commands
–  Add mod-wsgi package to run Python
–  Add the Recoll web-ui package


Apache Setup:
–  Install and configure Apache web server
–  Test functionality
–  Utilize terminal commands
–  Build sample file index


File Management:
–  Configure the Recoll file management system
–  Perform file searches
–  Trouble shoot common issues

Dig into the details at the Github page.

Full Summary:

This project involved working with Ubuntu on Linux. One of my hobbies is teaching English to people from other countries, and I wanted to use Linux in a scenario related to teaching English.

If I worked with a group of fellow English teachers, for example, who all wanted to access English teaching materials on my Linux server, I would need a solution to allow all of them to browse, search, and download the contents of my workstation from their own different physical locations through a virtual private network. The current scope of this project was to set it up with my local computer as the host. Future improvements would include setting up the VPN to actually make it accessible from other computers.

I used Apache as the local web server. I installed Recoll, a free file management system which works on Linux, as an alternative to the native Nautilus file management system on Unbutu. Recoll has the ability to index files and allows my team to search for files by type, such as “*pdf” through a Web UI.

I used VMWare to install and run Linux on a virtual machine loaded on my personal Macbook to isolate it from the rest of my work.

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